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On the eve of Earth Day I think about why there is even one. Why do millions of people around the globe spend time, energy, money, and so much more on actions big and small, to help and save Mother Nature. The last 2 words themselves are an indication of why.

Mother Nature implies sustenance and survival. Nature is the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Mother Nature is simply, life itself. Add the magnificent bonuses of Nature – the wondrous birds and animals, natural landscapes, trees, rivers and mountains, the sky and the seasons. And everything that comes with those.

Earth Day is homage to Nature. Earth Day is a reminder of not just the harm we’ve caused, but the help we can give to restore and rejuvenate. Just as the festivals we observe and celebrate in our culture, remind us of our potential to be the best we can be, and live happily, Earth Day is a time we can all reflect upon our individual relationship to the Earth – what we get from her and what we must give.

Happy Earth Day everyone! We’d love to hear from you!

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