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April 22 is Earth Day!

April is Earth Month!

Every year since 1970, April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day! Click on these links to learn about the origins of Earth Day. How and where and why it began. There is a lot of inspiring information on these websites. Share it with your family and friends! In 1990, Earth Day went global, mobilizing millions of people in countries around the world. As awareness of the climate crisis grows, more and more people are taking climate action in their communities, in big and small ways to protect our planet.

At Har Ghar Hara Ghar, we are joining millions of people around the world to recognize Earth Month – the weeks leading up to Earth Day. We’ll share stories, thoughts, calls to action, information and more. We would love to hear from you – your stories, your environmental actions, questions, and anything else that will reflect our collective love for the Earth and to mobilize climate action!

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